Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Beautiful Hijab Poem: "Baby its All Good!"

Dengan izin Allah..I found this beautiful hijab poem…

This is for you my lovely Muslimah…. :))


What do you see
when you look at me
Do you see someone limited,
or someone free

All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair

Others think I am controlled and uneducated
They think that I am limited and un-liberated

They are so thankful that they are not me
Because they would like to remain 'free'

Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used
Describing women who are cheated on and abused

They think that I do not have opinions or voice
They think that being hooded isn't my choice

They think that the hood makes me look caged
That my husband or dad are totally outraged

All they can do is look at me in fear
And in my eye there is a tear

Not because I have been stared at or made fun of
But because people are ignoring the One up above

Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie
But at least I am filled with more inner beauty

See I have declined from being a guy's toy
Because I won't let myself be controlled by a boy

Real men are able to appreciate my mind
And aren't busy looking at my behind

Hooded girls are the ones really helping the muslim cause
The role that we play definitely deserves applause

I will be recognized because I am smart and bright
And because some people are inspired by my sight

The smart ones are attracted by my tranquility
In the back of their mind they wish they were me

We have the strength to do what we think is right
Even if it means putting up a life long fight

You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and tight shirt
We are given only respect, and never treated like dirt

So when people ask you how you feel about the hood
Just sum it up by saying 'baby its all good'!

Alhamdulillah... I really love this poem.. suka sangat bile dpt share this beautiful poem with all of you.. 
Moga Allah sentiasa tetapkan hati kita agar kita sentiasa teguh di jalanNya.. Biiznillah!

credit to:

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Bicara Hati...


Alhamdulillah….at last, dapat jugak buat apa yg sepatutnya.. Walaupun berat hati..tapi I need to trust Allah more than anything…
          Saya percaya, Allah tak menjanjikan jalan ini akan jadi mudah.. Tapi saya tahu Allah akn sentiasa bersama sy.. ALWAYS!
          Saya mengharapkan syurgaNya, jadi saya harap inilah tiket utk saya ke sana…moga kita semua ke sana.. Biiznillah...:))
Mana mungkin kamu mengatakan kamu beriman sedangkan kamu tidak diuji..  :')
Allah sentiasa tahu apa yang kita rasa.. Perasaan tak, bila kita sedih, Allah akan hantarkan sesuatu atau seseorang utk menenangkan hati kita… jadi, jangan rasa awk berseorangan… awak tak pernah berseorangan, DIA sentiasa dekat di hati…
          Sentiasalah cuba utk dekatkan diri pd Allah.. Minta Allah dekatkan kita dgn orang yang baik.. Yang boleh bimbing kita ke jalan yang diredhai olehNya…

Sungguh, ujian buat kita lebih dekat padaNya…dan ujian buat kita lebih kuat… :')

Janganlah ditangisi apa yang dah berlalu dan berlaku.. Itulah yg menjadikan kita sekarang.. Either lebih baik atau lebih buruk, itu kita yg  tentukan… perjalanan kita sebagai hamba belum berakhir.. Mungkin ini sekadar permulaan.. 
          Ambil iktibar dari apa yg berlaku.. Setiap orang buat silap..setiap kesalahan yg kita buat, dan kita ambil iktibar darinya, itulah yg menjadikan kita lebih sempurna...InsyaAllah...Redhalah dengan apa yg diberi Ilahi, agar Allah juga redha denganmu... ♥
Wahai jiwa yg tenang (iaitu jiwa yg beriman). Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dgn hati yg redha dan diredhaiNya (Al Fajr: 27-28) 
Okaylah, sampai sini sahaja.. doakan hati kita sentiasa dijaga oleh Allah, dan semoga hati2 kita sentiasa kuat sekuat tiger! uhibbuki fillah... Assalamualaikum... :)) 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Tolong beritahu pada wanita itu.....

Semua wanita itu cantik. Jika tidak manakan wanita menjadi senjata iblis untuk melemahkan kaum lelaki. Namun kecantikan dan keindahan tersebut Allah kurniakan sebagai milik eksklusif wanita itu dan suaminya sahaja. Oleh sebab itu, usah dipertontonkan aurat dan perhiasan kepada umum secara percuma , jika suami pun perlu membayar mahar untuk memilikinya....... Dan tolong beritahu wanita itu....
Beritahu pada perempuan itu dirinya ibarat kaca..di sentuh terguris, di hantuk serpih, di hempap berkecai.. 
Beritahu pada perempuan itu jaga tingkah laku. Jaga pakaian. Harga diri letaknya di situ, jangan meluru ikut telunjuk nafsu, sesekali tersilap langkah, akan di hukum selamanya, keturunan dicerca payah..di mana & dalam keadaan macam mana pun, biar org kenal...Dia seorang muslimah.. muslimah ISLAM... 
Beritahu pada perempuan itu simpan secebis malu kerana malu itu, sebahagian daripada iman..
saya akui...wanita itu walau nampak teguh dirinya, nampak tabah jiwanya..namun hatinya amat mudah tersentuh...
Wanita itu memang suka memendam, tapi hanya Allah lah tempatnya mengadu dalam setiap sujudnya....  
 Maka, berbahagialah menjadi wanita yang dicintai Allah! SubhanaAllah... :))

~will be off to Johor for 3 month..doakan perjalanan balik saya nanti... Assalamualaikum..~

Sunday, 18 March 2012

why don’t you have a boyfriend??

there is something to ponder upon...really touched :')

She asked her :« why don’t you have a boyfriend ??? »
She replied with confidence : « you tell me : why would I have a bf ?
I guess you have no answer for my question, but I have answers for yours :

First, I am a believer, I can’t do what displease my Creator, HE ordered me not to to take a bf so I should obey HIM.
Allah says in Qur’an: “nor those who take [secret] lovers. "(surah An-Nisa-25)
Second, I am a daughter of a man who raised me to be a chaste woman, I am a sister of a man who is proud of my purity, so I don’t want to disappoint them, and most of all I don’t want to disappoint a third man who is my future husband and the father of my children in shaa Allah, because I am preserving myself to him only
My mom raised me to be a righteous woman so that I deserve a righteous man she never raised me to be a toy in any boy’s hand, but she raised me to complete the Deen of a pious man.
Also, I am not an easy girl who would be impressed with sweet love words, but I am a proud Muslimah who is just like a pearl in its shell no one can touch it but a brave man who would value it and cherish its beauty...

Dear Muslimahs...Know your worth! and Be that One In Million who love to have the love of Their Lord than the love of a boyfriend.. :))

coffe & pasta!^^, credit to

Allah lebih tahu tentang kita....


Alhamdulillah...semalam baru je selesai final exam.. even this semester is the semester yang super super tough for me, alhamdulillah saya dah cuba yang terbaik.. :))
         Yeah, according to the title, I just wanna talk a lil bit about fate... segalanya dalam hidup kita dah ditentukan oleh Allah.. sebagai hamba, kita kena redha..bila hati sentiasa mengingati Tuhan, hati kita akan mudah menerima ketentuanNya.... :))
"Apabila bertemu cinta ALLAH, kesakitan dunia akan hilang"
Tak dinafikan, bila Allah datangkan ujian, rasa nak menangis, sedih, dan kadang-kadang terasa nak berputus asa.. tapi ingatlah..
"Tiada kelelahan, penyakit, gelisah & kedukaan menimpa seorang Musliim bahkan sekadar duri yang menusuk kulitnya, melainkan Allah menjadikan semua itu sebagai penebus dosa kesalahannya"
Lately, ramai orang yang Allah datangkan pada saya sebagai ujian.. kalau nak kata tak sedih memang tipulah, tapi kita kena tahu...dan selalu ingat..
"There is a purpose for every person you meet. Some to test you, some to teach you, while some simply bring out the best in you. Allah knows what's best for us "
See, Allah ada reason untuk semua tu... Dan bila kita ambil keputusan untuk tinggalkan someone for the sake of Allah, always remember that HE will reward something better! InsyaAllah.... ^^,

till then, pen off... Assalamualaikum